Sharp Drop In New COVID-19 Cases As Nigeria Records 20 New Deaths

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A file photo of a health worker writing on a paper. Channels TV/ Sodiq Adelakun.


Nigeria on Sunday recorded 506 new cases of the novel coronavirus, according to the Nigeria Centre of Disease Control (NCDC).

The figure was the lowest in over two months.

However, the NCDC said 20 more deaths had been recorded across the country.

READ ALSO: Why Nigeria Was Not Included In First Shipment Of Pfizer Vaccine – WHO

To date, 139,748 cases have been confirmed, 113,525 cases discharged and 1,667 deaths recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

Sunday’s new cases were reported from 20 states, including Ondo (90), Kwara (89), Rivers (53), Borno (45), Gombe (32), FCT (28), Imo (26), Ogun (25), Lagos (22), Kaduna (14), Kano (14), Edo (13), Osun (11), Cross River (10), Yobe (9), Ekiti (7), Kebbi (6), Nasarawa (6), Oyo (5), and Jigawa (1).

States Affected No. of Cases (Lab Confirmed) No. of Cases (on admission) No. Discharged No. of Deaths
Lagos 51,685 6,093 45,249 343
FCT 17,824 6,222 11,474 128
Plateau 8,297 337 7,904 56
Kaduna 7,818 256 7,505 57
Oyo 5,905 1,656 4,160 89
Rivers 5,759 708 4,965 86
Edo 4,006 702 3,158 146
Ogun 3,578 410 3,123 45
Kano 3,314 381 2,841 92
Ondo 2,506 371 2,080 55
Delta 2,396 600 1,744 52
Kwara 2,158 541 1,575 42
Nasarawa 1,976 1,590 373 13
Katsina 1,901 32 1,842 27
Enugu 1,829 297 1,511 21
Osun 1,805 371 1,401 33
Gombe 1,802 219 1,541 42
Ebonyi 1,540 241 1,269 30
Abia 1,338 113 1,212 13
Anambra 1,271 918 334 19
Imo 1,220 202 999 19
Bauchi 1,164 3 1,144 17
Akwa Ibom 1,090 502 574 14
Borno 1,085 198 850 37
Benue 917 350 546 21
Niger 847 416 417 14
Sokoto 759 18 715 26
Bayelsa 695 35 636 24
Adamawa 673 405 240 28
Ekiti 641 138 494 9
Taraba 496 102 379 15
Jigawa 485 72 402 11
Kebbi 276 6 257 13
Yobe 250 29 213 8
Cross River 222 10 200 12
Zamfara 215 12 195 8
Kogi 5 0 3 2

Global Update

The novel coronavirus has killed at least 2,310,234 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1100 GMT on Sunday.

At least 105,750,940 cases of coronavirus have been registered. Of these, at least 64,417,600 are now considered recovered.

These figures are based on daily tolls provided by health authorities in each country and exclude later re-evaluations by statistical organisations, as has happened in Russia, Spain, and Britain.

On Saturday, 11,728 new deaths and 427,072 new cases were recorded worldwide.

Based on the latest reports, the countries with the newest deaths were the United States with 2,862 new deaths, followed by Mexico with 1,496 and Brazil with 978.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 462,181 deaths from 26,918,271 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 231,012 deaths from 9,497,795 cases, Mexico with 165,786 deaths from 1,926,080 cases, India with 154,996 deaths from 10,826,363 cases, and the United Kingdom with 112,092 deaths from 3,929,835 cases.

The country with the highest death rate is Belgium with 184 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Slovenia with 174, United Kingdom 165, Czech Republic 161, and Italy 151.

Europe overall has 771,213 deaths from 34,477,054 cases, Latin America and the Caribbean 617,064 deaths from 19,511,180 infections, and the United States and Canada 482,867 deaths from 27,718,720 cases.

Asia has reported 244,238 deaths from 15,452,849 cases, the Middle East 99,165 deaths from 4,899,328 cases, Africa 94,742 deaths from 3,660,024 cases, and Oceania 945 deaths from 31,787 cases.

Since the start of the pandemic, the number of tests conducted has greatly increased while testing and reporting techniques have improved, leading to a rise in reported cases.

However, the number of diagnosed cases is only a part of the real total number of infections as a significant number of less serious or asymptomatic cases always remain undetected.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day’s tallies.