Final message before dad vanished

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Final message before dad vanished

The daughter of missing free diver Matthew Phillips has revealed her final conversation with her father and her hope that he will soon be found as the search continues in Western Australia.

The father-of-two was last seen at his home in the northern coastal suburb of Sorrento on Monday morning.

Police located his car in Lancelin and found an empty diving bag inside.

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The search for missing free diver Matthew Phillips entered its third day in Western Australia.


Sixteen-year-old Monique is one of Mr Phillips' daughters.

She said she was heartbroken and just wants her father home.

"He's taught me everything I know," Monique said.

"Taken me out for surfs, diving and everything like that."

Monique said about 10am on Monday her father wished her luck for her Year 11 exam.

She cried as she recalled that he told her "I love you".

"He's just my everything, I couldn't do anything without him, he's like a mum and dad in one," Monique said.

Daughter of Matthew Phillips, 16-year-old Monique Phillips, said she is hopeful her Father will be found safe.

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Mr Phillips' wetsuit and snorkel were missing.

Authorities have been conducting a land and sea search across the 25 kilometre stretch of beach in Lancelin.

Drones and choppers have also been monitoring the area from the skies.

But the 49-year-old has not been seen yet.

The father-of-two was last seen at his home in the northern coastal suburb of Sorrento on Monday morning.

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Mr Phillips had been diving for more than 20 years and was a keen fisherman.

There are concerns he ran into trouble while diving for crayfish.

Monique said she was hopeful her father would return safely.

"I have strong faith they will find him," she said.

Police located his car in Lancelin and found an empty diving bag inside.

"But I'm willing to wait as long as I have to."

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