Simply 12 bosses who you’ll be very glad you don’t work for

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There’s a very popular and fast-growing corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ which is devoted to ‘those who want to end work, are curious about ending work [and] want to get the most out of a work-free life’.

So most of us, then.

Lots of it is devoted to snapshots of people’s bosses and the working conditions people are expected to work under.

And these 12 employers particularly stood out because, well, look.

1. ‘This got posted by my boss right after they mandated mandatory 6 day, 11 hr work days…’



2. ‘One of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss. It’s great here’


3. ‘My boss decided to up the price of our previously free water …’


4. ‘Got a significant raise a few days ago. Boss messaged me today’


5. ‘Just saw this in a fast food restaurant’


6. ‘I bet it’s posted right next to a sign complaining that no one wants to work anymore’


The post Simply 12 bosses who you’ll be very glad you don’t work for appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke