Health and safety for bakers – lesson 1

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Check your BMI

Over on Reddit’s r/facepalm forum, u/Cute_Platypus_5989 shared this tip for aspiring bakers.


NB: In the US, parchment paper is just what they call greaseproof paper or baking paper – not a fancy sheet for writing out declarations in the 17th century.

This was the answer.

These Reddit users could definitely appreciate why it had ended up on r/facepalm.

With the invention of the internet and more specifically smartphone proliferation, I find it astonishing how 50% of the population even survives.

Ah yes, a lesson learned my first year out of college. Me and my roommates took turns discovering similar secrets of the world like laundry detergent is not interchangeable with dishwashing liquid, and don’t daisy chain extension cords, and my personal favorite: wall anchors have a very important purpose (making sure you get your security deposit back).

Wax paper is basically a shitty candle. That’s gonna light right the fuck on fire.

Parchment paper is for baking.

I did this. My wife still doesn’t let me live it down.

Oh good I’ve been looking for a good recipe for fire.

There was only one question on the mind of u/GlitterInfection.

Which one do I wrap around the frozen turkey before I deep fry it?*

Pretty sure that’s tinfoil.

*Don’t try this at home – or anyone else’s home.


Funniest Misunderstanding of the Day

Source r/facepalm Image r/facepalm, ponce_photography on Pixabay

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