Funny dog video of the week is surely this, shared by Redditor Pazluz who said: ‘Paying attention to work smarter and not harder.’
It’s from a TV show called America’s Top Dog (can only be a matter of time before it comes over here). And it’s fair to say people loved it.
‘A man, amongst boys
But was it really smarter?
‘It took longer though …’
I_will_bt_you‘Yeah but flanking your prey is always smarter.’
Yomamsez‘I mean it’s not really smarter if you’re gonna be slower. Plus honestly it was probably even more considering the steps and distance so he probably did a bit harder and slower.’
LuminousJSoul‘It’s smarter if the dog wouldn’t be able to make it up the sharp incline. Dog in the first part was much bigger and stronger.’
mira-jo‘Looked slower to me.’
thinkbeforereplying‘Not in dog years.’
Last word to this person, who looks like they know what they’re talking about.
‘It’s really fun training these kind of dogs (the ones that actually think!). I’m a dog trainer, so I see all sorts and the ones that are the most fun to me are the ones that don’t automatically take the straightforward solution that is presented.
‘The group that I see this kind of thinking in most are terriers in particular – because terriers are usually highly motivated, but they aren’t super convinced that humans actually know what’s the best. So you get the desire to get the thing, but not the desire to do it in the way that humans want. Which is honestly really fun to work with.’
‘What’s the smallest hill you’ll die on?’ – 27 everyday bugbears worth perishing for
Source Reddit u/Pazluz
The post This dog ‘working harder not smarter’ is 16 seconds very well spent appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke