We are in the Same Boat and Waters are Rough. How are we Going to Tackle this?

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The last couple of years showed it clearly: we are in the same boat and the waters can get really rough. If some communities, industries, and businesses don’t navigate well, it can have crucial impacts on other communities, industries and businesses.  For this exact reason, we must share knowledge, experience, and information. It is not about competition. It is about survival.

SwissCognitive Co-Founders: AI thought-leader Dalith Steiger and digital transformation strategist, Andy Fitze


It is hard to anticipate the future. Maybe it is not even possible unless we sit around and do nothing, or we take responsibility to influence it to our best advantage. The challenges that we face today we cannot solve alone. The solution lies in joint forces – across industries, organizations, disciplines, governments, the private and public sector, continents, and societies. And even if we join forces, it is unlikely that we will see immediate results. We are on a longer journey, where the impact of our work today will be likely perceptible mainly by the young and coming generations. That means, what we do today, we do it for our children and the children of tomorrow.

Also the potentials of Artificial Intelligence (AI) I applications are not based on “plug and play”. It is a process with many contributing factors playing a crucial role in either undermining or underpinning success. These factors include anything from the human to technological aspects, such as skilled workforce, leadership, data accessibility and quality, infrastructure, and regulations, just to mention a few.

Preparing organizations for an “AI-friendly environment” doesn’t happen overnight. It takes failure, determination, and endurance. It also takes openness towards each other, regardless of industry, organization, culture, and society. It takes strong will wanting to grow together on a global level rather than competing against each other. It takes the willingness to listen to each other and learn from each other, sharing experiences and knowledge, and allowing information to flow from one industry to another.


The last couple of years showed it clearly: we are in the same boat and the waters can get really rough. As we are all interconnected, if some communities, industries, and businesses don’t navigate well, it can have crucial impacts on other communities, industries and businesses.  For this exact reason, we must share knowledge, experience, and information. It is not about competition. It is about survival.

We need to come together on neutral grounds where no competition applies. SwissCognitive provides this environment for over 5 years now, and on 14th December it facilitates the world’s largest end of year cross-industry expert exchange with around 4’000 viewers and over 1/2million followers on social media globally about the state and development of AI.


Through expert panel discussions, keynotes and interviews, in intensive 3.5 hour-long agenda, 22 speakers will give practical insights into current AI applications, followed by the future outlook on AI, including investments, trends, challenges and solutions in 2022 and beyond. To ensure the highest quality conference content, SwissCognitive carefully curates all the leaders and AI experts on stage, who on average bring 25 years of experience from different industries and disciplines, representing both public and private sectors.

Amongst the speakers, we will see on stage Kai-Fu Lee, one of the most influential and recognized people in the AI ecosystem; Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI & ML and Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum; Michael Møller, Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Thomas Davin, Global Innovation Director, UNICEF; and Pierre-Philippe Mathieu, Φ-lab Explore Office Leader from the European Space Agency.

The AI conference is open to the public upon official registration, free of charge, giving a unique opportunity to thousands of people to exchange with fellow AI enthusiasts globally and to connect with the speakers on stage.

We invite you, your family, friends and network to the event to hear world-leading AI experts’ and leaders’ views on the current state and development of AI. Wanting to participate in this event doesn’t take experts. It takes curiosity to the development of our world and how we are tackling our global challenges.

See event agenda and register now in one step and start connecting and exchanging with world-class speakers and your AI peers in 100 countries around the world today.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the virtual audience!

Co-Founders and Managing Partners of SwissCognitive,

Dalith & Andy



Der Beitrag We are in the Same Boat and Waters are Rough. How are we Going to Tackle this? erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.

Source: SwissCognitive