21 of the year’s most outrageously entitled people from ‘choosing beggars’ on Reddit

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There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘choosing beggars’ which is devoted to ‘screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things’.

And here are 21 of the most outrageously entitled ‘choosing beggars’ from the last 12 months.

1. ‘How dare they uphold company policies and not give me free stuff?! They will destroy this business! 😒



2. ‘Uno Reverse’


3. ‘I’ve officially dropped out of the bridal party. I’m a size 12 with no plans on dropping to a size 8 by December’


4. ‘Removing plastic drops $200 off. Seems legit’


5. ‘They could have the house paid off in just 125 years’


6. ‘My dad’s a photographer, this is his most recent client’


7. ‘Kindly refrain from upstaging the bride on her big day — oh, and no admission without a gift of $75 or more’


8. ‘Reverse employment’


9. ‘Christmas Day discounts for second hand cars??’


10. ‘Never look a gift vacuum in the canister’


11. ‘Let Me Not Ask For Permission To Have My Wedding Here (God’s Plan)’


The post 21 of the year’s most outrageously entitled people from ‘choosing beggars’ on Reddit appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke