Artificial Intelligence – smart machines able to “learn” how to carry out tasks and become increasingly good at them – is everywhere in work today, and will only be more ubiquitous tomorrow.
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Certainly, I believe it has the potential to deeply impact everything about the way we live our lives, from how we travel, to how we connect and communicate with friends, and most definitely the way we work and do business.
Whatever job you do now, if it isn’t affected by AI already, it’s very likely that it will be at some point in the not-so-distant future. Here’s my rundown of the five most significant changes AI will make to the world of work in our lifetimes.
AI probably won’t make you redundant – yet!
It’s certainly true that machine learning – the AI technology that’s most relevant to business today – will be able to do some things so much more quickly and efficiently that it won’t be worthwhile to pay humans to do them anymore. This will include things like sensing, moving things around, scheduling, translating, and optimizing machinery. But the jury is still out over whether, in the long or short term, AI will lead to more jobs being lost or created.
One way to look at it is that AI, in theory, will lead to increased business growth and success. Often this will mean (hopefully) more customers. More customers mean more human problems that need to be solved – from complicated customer service issues requiring a human response to the challenge of consistently creating innovative products and services that meet the changing needs of humans. These are tasks that humans will be needed for, for a long time yet!
The arrival of AI is described today as the dawn of the “fourth industrial revolution.” The first industrial revolution saw political opposition and public unrest from people who feared that agricultural and manufacturing machinery would cause widespread unemployment and even the collapse of society. That fear is still alive today. On the other hand, others believe that technology will lead us into an era that has been described as “fully automated luxury communism,” where robots provide all our basic necessities at effectively no cost to us. Human beings are then free to spend their time on fulfilling and creative pursuits that give their lives value and meaning. […]
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Der Beitrag 3 Ways That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Your Job Forever erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive