An artist’s free giveaways weren’t enough for this person and their mounting fury is quite the read

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Leading contender for entitled idiot of the week award is surely this person who spotted an artist doing a few seasonal giveaways but was too late to get one of them.

And their mounting fury is as unreasonable as it is hilarious.

The exchange was shared by dragonfire475 over on Reddit who said: ‘I didn’t win your giveaway, so you’re the bad person.’


Well, they seem nice.

‘Why do they always go straight to the “your art sucks anyways”??’

‘I guess its some high tech psychological maneuver to try and make the artist desperate to prove their art is good to them, hence giving them free art.’

‘I think it’s a way for them to avoid feeling like they’ve lost anything when their insane request refused. After all if your art is “worthless” then does it matter that they’re not getting it? It’s the same energy as being unable to do something and saying “well I didn’t care about it anyways” but for raging assholes.’

‘This is the moral of one of Aesop’s fables. The fox can’t reach the grapes, so he decides they were probably sour anyway.’

The exchange was originally posted on Twitter by artist @RemHydragrove who you can follow on Twitter here and find more details about their work here.


The way this musician dealt with a scrounging influencer is a thing of beauty

Source Reddit u/dragonfire475 Twitter @RemHydragrove

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