Early contender for funny dog video of the week is this, a simply glorious collection of this big dog’s looks of disapproval at the little one’s comedy antics.
The big dog is called Briggs and the little one is a pug called Gus and the video went wildly viral after it was shared by @goth_pack over on TikTok.
The clip also proved popular on Reddit where it was shared by KaamDeveloper and these are our favourite things people said about it.
‘Dog is checking to see if this behavior is acceptable or if someone is going to get yelled at. As the middle sibling I understand.’
TopYeti‘That side-eye is glorious
anxiousginger11‘Jim Halpert of dogs.’
KaamDeveloper“That’s all on you”
No_Indication_6907“I told you not to get another one …”
giantfuckingfrog“Are you looking at this shit?!”
Filiperss‘He’s deferring to you to see when you’re going to correct the behavior. lol’
Xanza‘I love the look of “well that’s the last decision you make”
You can find lots more Briggs and Gus by following @goth_pack over on TikTok here.
@goth_pack Briggs is like #dog #pug #funny #fyp ♬ original sound – _jennaleman
This cat’s magnificent ‘old one-two’ is a simply pawsome burn
Source TikTok H/T Reddit u/KaamDeveloper
The post The big dog’s looks of disapproval at the little one’s antics are simply hilarious appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke