Minister Says Exit Of Downing Street Aides Shows Boris Johnson Is 'Taking Charge'

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Greg Hands defended the prime minister


A government minister has insisted that the dramatic departure of four government aides from Number 10 shows Boris Johnson is “taking charge” of the crisis engulfing his leadership.

Munira Mirza, Jack Doyle, Martin Reynolds and Dan Rosenfield all quit on day of drama in Downing Street.

Mirza, who was the prime minister’s policy chief, said she was leaving in protest at the prime minister’s untrue smear that Keir Starmer was responsible for notorious sex offender Jimmy Savile avoiding prosecution.

But appearing on Sky News , energy minister Greg Hands suggested the exits of the other three officials was planned in response to Sue Gray’s highly critical report earlier this week into partygate.

Hands said: “The prime Mnister was absolutely clear on Monday that there would be changes at the top in No. 10 and that is what he has delivered.

“This is about the prime minister saying at the Sue Gray report update – there were failings at the top of the operation. This is the prime minister taking charge.”

In a further blow to the PM yesterday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak became the first Cabinet minister to criticise his for the Savile slur.

At a Downing Street press conference, Sunak said: “Being honest, I wouldn’t have said it and I’m glad the prime minister has clarified what he meant.”

Asked repeatedly if he would have made the remarks, Hands failed to do so.

He said: “The prime minister was clear yesterday in response to Munira Mirza’s resignation that he disagrees with the basis of her resignation.”

Source: Huff Post