Saturday's letters: Less educational bang for U of A tuition bucks

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Check your BMI
I am in my sixth year at the U of A. I have never questioned if my learning experience was worth the tuition. Now, I am having a tough time determining what educational “bang” I am getting for the 600 bucks I pay per course.

I have had professors regularly end class an hour early out of concern for screen fatigue or cancel classes due to tech issues. Too much screen time is a real problem, but so is paying full price for less instruction.

A tuition reimbursement from the university, even just five to 10 per cent, would go a long way in making this sacrifice for public health more palatable. At the very least, a little extra grocery money would give me a much-needed reason to leave my house.

Sean Oliver, Edmonton

No more government overreach

Lies, hate, division, compliance out of fear, silenced. We have all fallen from grace, not just the supporters of our freedoms. We have all fallen prey to being censored and delivered deliberate falsity. When the economy revolts and stands in numbers like we are seeing across the nation, and globe, we need to try to understand.

The convoy to Ottawa is truly just the tip of the iceberg. The hope that has been ignited and is being embraced by so many of us, substantiated by our spirit of unity.

We are not representing the false narratives any longer. We are waving our flags in distress over the audacious restrictions over our lives and free will. We are not what “they” call us. We are not tin-foil hats, right extremists, racist, misogynists. Please, look up the definition of these terms. We are diverse, educated, uneducated, warm, loving and kind and, quite frankly, over it.

The fact of the matter is not about vaccine efficacy anymore. The fact of the matter is that we have had enough government overreach with malicious intent over our livelihoods. We are not standing together and protesting in vain. We too deserve to be heard.

N.T. Quintal, Edmonton

Kenney swayed by extremists not experts

The tail is wagging the donkey. Eighty-six per cent of Albertans and 90 per cent of truckers are vaccinated because it is recommended by medical experts, but Jason Kenney is being moved by a small number who are breaking the law. Kenney doesn’t care what the vast majority of Albertans want, as long as he can convince enough UCP fanatics to support him in April.

What does the chief medical officer recommend, or does it matter, when the anti-vaxxers are shouting louder? Shouldn’t we be following the advice of the medical experts?

Our democracy is in danger, when the man who runs the province is so easily manipulated by a few extremists.

Ken Zinyk, Edmonton

Give masked, vaxxed some time alone

Kenney announces lifting all restrictions later this month. Despite wishful thinking, COVID is not (yet) like a cold or flu. It’s far more infectious than other respiratory diseases. Some of us even triple-vaxxed can still suffer more severe consequences than we are willing to risk and I don’t think it’s reasonable to make us do so.

We’re just as tired of COVID and we don’t want to live our lives in fear; we just want to live and enjoy them safely. We are part of this society too. It therefore seems only fair to — once all restrictions are lifted — dedicate the first hour or two upon opening stores and other services to vaxxed and masked-up only, so that those of us who choose to be safe could have a chance to use services without putting ourselves at risk.

If it all truly is about freedom and choice, and not about making right–wing noise, then both us and the “freedom proponents” should be happy with it. We’re not asking for much — just a little bit of understanding and kindness. While you enjoy your freedoms the way you choose to, give us one hour a day to do the same and be safe

Source: EdmontonJournal