We send our very best wishes to the Queen who has tested positive for Covid just 10 days after Prince Charles also fell foul of coronavirus.
Coming just as Boris Johnson plans to sweep away remanining anti-Covid restrictions, you can read 24 of our favourite reactions here.
We mention it again because of the Daily Mail’s front page on the topic today, which said this.
And these are surely the only 9 responses you need.
Don’t want to be a dick about it but there’s a difference between doing light work from palace and cramming yourself onto a commuter train on your way to infect an office pic.twitter.com/V0fbVVaxv0
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 20, 2022
Daily mail going full daily mail there, if only the 160,000 people who died from covid just chose to work through it instead pic.twitter.com/obgfmV6Mku
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 20, 2022
I guess all the people who died just didn’t try hard enough. They should’ve been more like the Queen, lazy sods. pic.twitter.com/CW61NUHvwP
— Pete Fraser (@petefrasermusic) February 20, 2022
This is deeply fucked. She’s 95, let her have a week or two off, ffs. And the rest of us shouldn’t be going into an office when we’re sick, especially when we can work from home and not make our colleagues sick too. https://t.co/ud35tIlMNc
— Rhys Morgan (@rhysmorgan) February 21, 2022
Was a simple ‘Get Well Soon Queen’ too much to ask? Instead of contorting taking work off if you’re sick with Covid into some moral failure. https://t.co/uctQI34tqW
— Michael Fry (@BigDirtyFry) February 20, 2022
The Queen got a test
She’s isolating
She’s being treated for Covid19 by a team of “world class” doctors.All things the U.K. population won’t have access to from Thursday.
— Drexit (@veloceuraptor) February 20, 2022
"The Queen is still working when she's ill so what's your excuse, proles?" is quite the take, isn't it pic.twitter.com/i5zUeLq1LG
— Eddie Robson (@EddieRobson) February 21, 2022
Daily Mail on fire this morning. If you were one of the 180k peasants who didn't have 24/7 access to the best medical care and were stupid enough to die rather than 'carry on' more fool all of you.#kayburley #SkyNews #BBCBreakfast pic.twitter.com/WEGIpN11SG
— Ben (@Bennyjj81) February 21, 2022
Queen sets example to all: live and work in palace
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 20, 2022
And as the story makes clear …
Daily Mail aiming at those Working from Home saying The Queen is an example to all as she’s determined to keep working despite having Covid. But hang on she’s, what’s that? Ohh, she’ll be fulfilling her role online & cancelling in person meetings.
So, literally working from home. pic.twitter.com/ZPYI0geuNw— Jd (@JoshuaLockdown) February 20, 2022
She’s literally working from home, I thought the Mail hate people who do that
— Rory (@Rorythough) February 20, 2022
To conclude …
Why does the Mail feel the need to imply that taking time off work when you’re unwell is a weakness?
Why does it feel the need to underplay the effects of a deadly virus that’s killed over 150k in the UK alone?
— Gus Harris-Reid
(HOUSE OMEGA out now!) (@GHarrisReid) February 21, 2022
And this.
Thank goodness we’re going to be destroyed by the climate collapse so historians of the future won’t be able to study this fucking dogshit claiming to be journalism https://t.co/3HhFrhRWAl
— Nish Kumar (@MrNishKumar) February 20, 2022
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