Dear AI Enthusiasts Around the World,
Did you know that 85% of AI projects fail? Quite a heartbreaking fact, especially when we start thinking about the resources that are going down the drain with these projects.
In a few days, on 30. March, we ask AI leaders and experts to weigh in from their combined 350+ years of experience on “How to Set Up an AI Centre of Excellence” so that projects don’t get stuck in the proof of concept trap and scaling, industrialization and democratization can also take off. Don’t miss the registration to get the login details to the conference where you can not only learn from industry leaders but also exchange with them as well as with your AI peers globally. (2200+ registration already
Along with the conference details, check out the latest news below that we collected for our 1/2mill+ global AI community. Great to have you on board and see you on 30. March.
Sunny regards from Zurich,
The Team of SwissCognitive
Der Beitrag Featured News | 85% of AI Projects Fail | Setting Up AI Centre of Excellence | Halving Maternal Morality Rate with AI | Affair with AI erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive