Growing Things: Vertical growing is a space saver

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Q We live in a highrise and our balcony is 1.5 metres by three metres. We have a barbecue and a table and chairs out there, and that leaves very little room for any pots. We do love to entertain on the balcony so giving up the furniture is not in the cards. Do you have any ideas on how to use our space better? We really would like to grow some vegetables this year but are hesitant to overcrowd our balcony.

A I get many questions like yours on how to optimize space. I think one of the reasons is that the space we have, in general, is getting smaller. Lot sizes are much smaller than they were in the 50s and 60s and more people are living in condos than ever before.

The first suggestion I have is to start thinking of gardening on a vertical plane. This doesn’t mean only hanging baskets, although that’s a good start. Vertical plane gardening includes things like using trellises for climbing plants. What kind of vegetables can be grown on supports? Some examples include cucumbers, pole beans, squash and tomatoes. One example of a tomato planter and trellis can be seen on this link.

Outdoor wire shelving systems that hold a variety of containers is another option. Many of these shelving units are weatherproof and come on rollers so are easily moved about. This could be helpful in getting the maximum sunlight for your plants. With these shelving units, you can have several pots, depending on their size, with each growing a different vegetable. Make sure to choose shelving units that are weatherproof. I like the stainless steel units for this purpose.

Manufacturers are aware of the space issue and there are many containers that work well in limited spaces, including wall planters. These wall pots include not only those that require a hanger that is mounted into a wall but also those that are what I call ‘half pots’. These containers look like a pot that has been cut in half. The flat side of the half pot is affixed to a wall. These pots can be highly decorative. Some look like Greek urns that have been halved while others are plain. They are available in plastic, terra cotta and glazed types.

​Finally, consider making use of your balcony railing if you have one. 

​​This question brought back a memory. One day my wife Julie and I were driving by a large condominium complex and Julie noted the balconies with plants had greater appeal because the plants made it look ‘like someone lived there’. I guess I’d never looked at it from that perspective before, but it is very true. There is a certain warmth created by using plants on a balcony or deck that is hard to duplicate with hardscape garden or art décor. Plants are an integral part of a balcony that is successfully designed. Even a small amount of greenery can turn that drab concrete cavern into a lush and inviting refuge from the hectic pace of life. Add in the fact you can grow your own food in even the smallest of spaces and those food plants add to the overall appeal of the balcony — it then becomes a true win-win situation. Your own green oasis can be had with only a few pots and plants.

Source: EdmontonJournal