How to donate to Ukraine crisis with confidence and avoid scams

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CHICAGO (CBS) — The infuriating fact is that scammers will take advantage of anything–even the human tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. 

They are now targeting donors who are providing aid to Ukraine’s refugees fleeing Russia’s brutal invasion. 

If you’re considering donating to an organization claiming to support Ukraine aid efforts, take the time to research the charity, the state’s society of certified public accountants advises. 

Step one: determine whether the charity is a Sec. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The IRS’ exempt organization search can assist with that. You can also search for organizations that are compliant with Illinois’ reporting requirements via Illinois’ Building Better Charities website.

When considering donations, experts advise that money should never be donated over the phone, links in email solicitations shouldn’t be clicked, and high-pressure tactics seeking immediate payments are a sign of danger.   

The Illinois CPA Society also advises:

  • Take your time. Confirm you are giving on the correct website. Rather than clicking on a link, enter the URL in your browser manually.
  • Don’t assume a request to donate is legitimate because a friend posted it on social media.
  • Don’t make donations in cash or with a debit card. A credit card provides more security.
  • Monitor your accounts. After donating, check your accounts regularly. Look for any suspicious activity.

If you’re an Illinois resident and believe you’re the victim of a scam, contact your financial institution to put a hold on your credit card, notify the Illinois attorney general, and file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Source: ChicagoCBS