Rod Stewart – actually Sir Rod Stewart – is a 77-year-old pop singer, so not the first person you’d expect to be picking up a shovel and chucking gravel into potholes, yet that’s exactly what he’s done.
@sirrodstewart Filling holes is good for the soul!
Filling holes is good for the soul – according to Sir Rod.
It’s a bit hard to make out, but this is most of what he said.
This is the state of the roads near where I live in Harlow, and it’s been like this for ages.
People are smashing their cars up. The other day, there was an ambulance with a burst tyre.
My Ferrari can’t go through here at all.
Me and the boys thought we’d come here and do it ourselves. So that’s what we’re doing.
Filling in the holes while millions and millions of pounds is spent on the M11.
Some TikTok users got a bit punny with their comments.
There were a few sceptics.
Jeremy Vine was impressed by the star’s pro-active attitude.
Who else loves Rod Stewart?
— Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) March 13, 2022
Here are a a few other things tweeters had to say about it.
He thinks he’s Rod Stewart #AccidentalPartrudge
— Accidental Partridge (@AccidentalP) March 13, 2022
In these uncertain times of Covid and the war in Ukraine, it’s important to focus on the things that really matter.
Does anyone know if Rod Stewart’s Ferrari is ok?
— Ben Affleck’s Existential Fag Break (@bfafleck) March 14, 2022
‘The first rut is the deepest!’ Rod Stewart fills potholes outside his Essex estate:
— Simon H (@simon432) March 14, 2022
'Siri, show me the consequences of being a tax exile for 40 years…'
— Jon Burke FRSA
(@jonburkeUK) March 13, 2022
In case you were thinking of following his example, Essex County Council pointed out that anyone working on a public road could be liable for accidents caused by substandard work.
Sir Rod has yet to comment on the council’s warning. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
Source Rod Stewart Image Screengrab
The post It’s a backache – Rod Stewart got sick of waiting for local potholes to be fixed and did it himself appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke