Among large industrial companies, 83 percent believe AI produces better results—but only 20 percent have adopted it, according to The AspenTech 2020 Industrial AI Research.
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Let’s explore some of the important trends in artificial intelligence technologies in the manufacturing industry to get a clearer picture of what you can do to keep your business up to date.
AI Is a Broad Domain
For all of the technologies that we’ll discuss that have applications in manufacturing industries, artificial intelligence is not the most accurate way to describe them. AI is a very broad subject that has many different methods and techniques that fall under its scope. Robotics, natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, and more are all different techniques that deserve a great deal of attention all on their own.
Keeping that in mind, let’s talk about the many applications of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry– here are some industrial AI use cases.
The Goal of AI in Manufacturing
Artificial intelligence studies ways that machines can process information and make decisions without human intervention. A popular way to think about this is that the goal of AI is to mimic the way that humans think, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Although humans are much more efficient at performing certain tasks, they aren’t perfect. The best kind of AI is the kind that can think and make decisions rationally and accurately.
Probably the best example of this is that humans are not well equipped to process data and the complex patterns that appear within large datasets. However, AI can easily sort through sensor data of a manufacturing machine and pick out outliers in the data that clearly indicate that the machine will require maintenance in the next several weeks. AI can do this in a fraction of the time that a human would spend analyzing the data.[…]
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Source: SwissCognitive