Some people – and animals – just want others to think they have a much more discerning palate than they actually do, and that definitely applies to this Hyacinth Bucket of the doggy world.
The placebo effect in action.
Redditors enjoyed seeing the clip almost as much as the dog enjoyed its ‘gourmet’ dinner.
It’s not fake if they believe in it
my pup likes fake dipping. Hates “normal” carrots, but pretend to dip it in hummus, and he loves them.
Great food, well prepared, waiter even sings, would recommend. DOG.
When my dog was younger, sometimes he didn’t want to eat his food, but if I just stirred it around with my fingers or sprinkled a little water on it, he thought I really did something and he would eat it. Now he just inhales it without tasting it.
Huskys are the worst. And also the best. I love my fluff ball.
Could work on kids, too.
I also need trickery to get my kids to eat. Kids are like dogs really.
There’s a relatable twist in the tale of this short dog chase
Source r/funny Image Screengrab
The post Making a dog’s dinner out of the placebo effect appeared first on The Poke.
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