Nigel Farage blames algorithms for his Twitter decline – 17 more likely possibilities

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Nigel Farage is something of a victim of his own ‘success’.

Since banging the drum for Brexit for decades and being a big part of the campaign that achieved it, he has struggled to find a niche, resorting to recording messages for money and supporting right wing politicians – presumably for free.

It’s therefore not particularly surprising that his social media profile has lost some ground – at least, it’s not surprising to most people.

In this cringeworthy reaction to Elon Musk’s Twitter buyout, Farage had another theory for his waning popularity.

‘Now, it could be that my stuff’s really dull and boring, and I’ve got nothing interesting to say. No original thoughts whatsoever.’

via Gfycat

Farage would no doubt heartily approve of the amount of free speech tweeters exercised on the topic of his stagnant Twitter account.










The post Nigel Farage blames algorithms for his Twitter decline – 17 more likely possibilities appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke