Nigel Farage is something of a victim of his own ‘success’.
Since banging the drum for Brexit for decades and being a big part of the campaign that achieved it, he has struggled to find a niche, resorting to recording messages for money and supporting right wing politicians – presumably for free.
Farage to self … is there any populist bullshit I can latch onto so nobody reminds me I said Le Pen would be President by 2022??
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) April 25, 2022
It’s therefore not particularly surprising that his social media profile has lost some ground – at least, it’s not surprising to most people.
In this cringeworthy reaction to Elon Musk’s Twitter buyout, Farage had another theory for his waning popularity.
For years I would gain 30,000 new Twitter followers per month and most tweets would get 5,000+ retweets.
Now I've had zero growth for 18 months & engagement is at an all-time low. It's the same for thousands of others.
Twitter's algorithm now needs to change — and change fast!
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) April 26, 2022
‘Now, it could be that my stuff’s really dull and boring, and I’ve got nothing interesting to say. No original thoughts whatsoever.’
Farage would no doubt heartily approve of the amount of free speech tweeters exercised on the topic of his stagnant Twitter account.
This reads like an advert above the urinals in a service station.
(@secrettory12) April 26, 2022
This is like when the algorithm made no one come on Toby Young's stag night, isn't it?
— Adam Macqueen (@adam_macqueen) April 26, 2022
Look at Buck's Fizz's chart positions through the 1980s and it's exactly the same thing Nigel. It's not called "algorithms" it's called "irrelevance".
— Otto English (@Otto_English) April 26, 2022
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 26, 2022
Me when a new act overtakes me in comedy.
— Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) April 26, 2022
Hmm, I see. Have you considered not being Nigel Farage?
— Dave Vetter (@davidrvetter) April 26, 2022
Scientists can now more accurately estimate the point at which we hit Peak Bullshit.
— Rich Neville (@RichNeville) April 26, 2022
That's because people are finally waking up to the fact you're a monumental charlatan.
— Miffy (@miffythegamer) April 26, 2022
Well it couldn’t possibly be because supporters stopped paying to add a suspiciously round number of bot followers for you each month could it?
— Sharon O'Dea (@sharonodea) April 26, 2022
The post Nigel Farage blames algorithms for his Twitter decline – 17 more likely possibilities appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke