Vesak comes as a great relief to harassed Sri Lankans

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Colombo, May 16 ( The colourful Buddhist festival of Vesak is being celebrated on Monday despite the economic and political troubles Sri Lanka is going through.

Viewing an elaborately decorated Vesak lantern. Photo: Tang Lu

In fact, Vesak has brought relief to harassed Sri Lankans queueing up for fuel and cooking gas and denied milk powder.

Grandeur marked several pandols, attracting huge crowds. Photo: Tang Lu

Many of the streets in Colombo are awash with brighty-lit “pandols” or pavilions with decorated lanterns, each pandol rivalling the other in design and lighting.

Colombo Muncipal HQ lit up for Vesak. Photo: Tang Lu

Photographer Tang Lu takes us through the delights of Colombo in and around the Gangarama temple adjacent to the Beira Lake in Central Colombo which was the centre of violence and arson, just the other day during the “Go Gota Go” agitation which rocked the island nation on May 9 and 10.

Modernistic Vesak pandol. Photo: Tang Lu

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Source: NewsAsia