It’s more than 70 years since Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne, although her coronation didn’t happen for another year.
She is the longest-reigning British monarch, currently beating Queen Victoria’s reign by more than six years, and the celebrations are suitably massive.
Her Majesty The Queen, the first Monarch in British history to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.
To mark the beginning of the #PlatinumJubilee Celebration Weekend, a new portrait of The Queen has been released.
Ranald Mackechnie
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) June 1, 2022
While not everyone fancies joining in with the corgi and bunting obsession, tweeters have been sharing their thoughts on it all with jokes, so we’ve collected some favourites.
The Queen refers to her Platinum Jubilee celebrations as The One Show.
— Robin Flavell (@RobinFlavell) June 2, 2022
Happy Jubilee to [checks notes] Colonel Qaddafi and Max Wall.
— Angry People in Local Newspapers (@angrypiln) May 31, 2022
Very conflicted this week as I am a staunch anti-monarchist but I simply adore bunting
— Nadia Kamil (@NadiaKamil) May 31, 2022
I hope the Queen has a proper day out, I hope she’s started drinking already. Gets bang on it later tonight, tells her kids she doesn’t love them all the same, tells Nicholas Witchell he’s a wanker, and goes home with a guardsman.
— Douglas Henshall (@djhenshall) June 2, 2022
The Queen intends to cancel all formal plans she has with Prince Charles for her Platinum Jubilee as she wants to break from traditional celebrations for once and just let her heir down.
— Flups (@TheRealFlups) May 30, 2022
the queen should do a compilation of all the best tv comedy moments, queen falling through the bar, "don't tell them you name ma'am", queen running out of a wheelchair and up a diving board, queen asking "has anybody got a bottle of orange juice"
— mutable joe (@mutablejoe) May 31, 2022
Our spellbinding homage to Her Majesty The #Queen!
We've carved Queen Elizabeth II onto the Cerne Abbas Giant celebration of the #PlatinumJubilee.— UK Tourism Board (@UKToryism) May 30, 2022
just saw someone referring to the jubilee as the platty joobs and it has sent me over the edge
— experimenting with emotional heft (@bigdybbukenergy) May 30, 2022
Been looking through the Queen’s receipts to try and figure out what to buy for a jubilee gift and it turns out her main interests are corgis and paying off people who have accused her son of sexual crime, probably best to stick to flowers
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) May 30, 2022
“Doing anything for the Jubilee?”
“Watching telly, eating meals, work, housework, walking, sitting… just generally continuing to exist.”— VeryBritishProblems (@SoVeryBritish) May 31, 2022
Platinum Jubilee sounds like the name of a bond girl
— James Topham (@JamesTophamWord) May 30, 2022
Has anyone ever made festive bunting out of ham and cheese? Alternate slices of thinly sliced, triangular cheddar and ham (honey roast)? If a village or a street party promised such bunting, I would consider going.
— Josh Barrie (@joshbythesea) May 31, 2022
The wonderful thing about the Platinum Jubilee weekend is that I might get a chance to regrout the bathroom floor.
— rab livingstone (@rablivingstone) June 2, 2022
That's the bunting up!
— joe heenan (@joeheenan) June 1, 2022
Getting the Platty Jubes party started by doing some of my favourite Prince Philip gaffes for all the pensioners trying to keep warm on the top deck of the 317 bus.
(@secrettory12) June 1, 2022
Britain is now 98% bunting.
— VeryBritishProblems (@SoVeryBritish) June 1, 2022
BREAKING: As the UK heads into the platinum jubilee, we are expecting at least 2,200 packed venues up and down the UK. Foodbanks, I mean, not jubilee parties x
— Laura Kuenssberg Translator (@BBCLauraKT) June 1, 2022
Final rehearsal for our performance of Riverdance in the Queen's Jubilee concert.#PlatinumJubilee
— Parody Boris (@Parody_PM) June 1, 2022
The post 35 majestic tweets about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke