23 times people tried far too hard to be tough from ‘I Am Very Badass’ on Reddit

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There’s a rather fabulous corner of Reddit called ‘I Am Very Badass’ which is full of ‘people trying too hard to appear tough’.

And very funny it is too although, it has to be said, we’d still rather not say it to their face.

Here are 23 of the funniest times they tried hardest (and just a warning to say that it contains multiple instances of bigotry and offensive language).

1. ‘Coffee badass’



2. ‘A birthday well wish escalates to “there will be consequences”


3. ‘Covid brings out the crazies’


4. ‘You never know what will go down at a Subway Sandwich shop’


5. ‘My friend and his wife are going through a mutual divorce, her new boyfriend is wasting no time asserting dominance’


6. ‘My friends unnecessarily hostile thermometer in the backyard patio’


7. ‘Walmart Patriot’


8. ‘Shoot first, ask questions later, I guess’


9. ‘Shooting a target from a mile away? Light work’


10. ‘And Murdered By Words of Another Vet’


11. ‘Any Time, Any Place’


12. ‘Fourteen year old kid cries after getting shot at, what a wimp’


The post 23 times people tried far too hard to be tough from ‘I Am Very Badass’ on Reddit appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke