The outtakes from Donald Trump’s second Capitol riot speech say a lot more than the finished version

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The January 6th hearings have paused until September, with the concluding evidence being amongst the most explosive.

It concerned the 187 minutes between Donald Trump telling his supporters to march on the Capitol to his inadequate request to them to stand down, as well as his criticism of the Vice-president, which put Mike Pence in severe danger.

True to form, the former president ranted about the hearings from his Twitter-light social media site – Truth.

Proceedings veered towards It’ll Be Alright On the Night, when they showed the unedited version of Donald Trump trying to record an address to the Capitol rioters, little more than a day after he’d said he loved them and that they were special.

It’s very revealing.

“And if you broke the law – I can’t say that. I’m not – I already said, ‘You will pay’.”

“I don’t want to say the election is over. I just want to say Congress has certified the results without saying the election’s over, okay?”

“‘Yesterday’ is a hard word for me. Take out the word ‘yesterday’ because it doesn’t work!”

We understand why he didn’t want to row back on his lie about the election, but we’re less clear on his problem with “yesterday”.

These reactions to the clip say all that needs to be said.

It wasn’t even the entire recording session.

To sum up –

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The White House tried to wash its hands of the Capitol Hill riots and Mark Hamill spoke for us all

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Source: ThePoke