Families are turning to AI-powered apps and tech solutions – as survey reveals 1 in 10 will struggle to feed their children this winter.
Copyright: htworld.co.uk – “Even high earners “heating only children’s bedrooms” this winter” How can AI-powered apps help?
A survey from Airgon, also showed a huge 25% of grown adults preparing to move back in with their parents, as they won’t be able to afford soaring energy bills.
As the cost of living crisis grips the nation, a quarter of Brits claim they would struggle to buy food – with nearly 1 in 10 saying they will be unable to feed their children.
Preparing for the October surge
As energy prices are set to soar in October, nearly a quarter of those surveyed said they would move in with elderly relatives to avoid the rising cost of energy prices and to support them with bills.
When asked how they would reduce spending on bills, 24% of respondents said they would look to spend more time at their friends’ houses to offset the difference.
Between food and heating
Worryingly, the sentiment of making tough choices was echoed across the research as many admitted they would have to choose between food and heating when it came to tackling living costs.
The sentiment of making tough choices was echoed across the research as many admitted they would have to choose between food and heating.
With soaring prices, the survey found that:
- 38% of Brits won’t be able to put money into their savings accounts
- 29% won’t be able to go on holiday
- and 27% won’t be able to dine out.
Ahead of the rises many have been getting creative with their options, 57% of Brits said they would boycott changing the clocks come October if they believed it would save light hours and reduce bill prices.[…]
Read more: www.htworld.co.uk
Der Beitrag Even high earners “heating only children’s bedrooms” this winter: How can AI-powered apps help? erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive