When Liz Truss confirmed she would be stepping down as prime minister, it was a famous victory for the Daily Star’s lettuce, which people had been watching on Lettuce Cam.
The Lettuce Cam is now playing the national anthem. pic.twitter.com/0DyhouVuSV
— Ian S (@iannlou) October 20, 2022
An equally humiliating fact for the outgoing PM is that she spent more time campaigning to get the job than she did in it.
The process of electing Liz Truss to be Prime Minister was two weeks longer than the time she was Prime Minister.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) October 20, 2022
But tweeters didn’t want to leave it there, and they’ve been naming things that have lasted longer than the Truss premiership. We particularly enjoyed these.
We lasted longer on Xfactor than Liz truss as Prime Minister!
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) October 20, 2022
Even Quibi lasted longer than her
— Nish Kumar (@MrNishKumar) October 20, 2022
This has been in my fridge longer than she has been Prime Minister …. pic.twitter.com/CNc9K9I4Wa
— John Bishop (@JohnBishop100) October 20, 2022
‘Believe’ by Cher was number one in the UK for five days longer than Liz Truss was Prime Minister pic.twitter.com/kPmjjHyyYK
— James (@DrJamesJBailey) October 20, 2022
[Werner Herzog voice]
But her reign did not surpass the lifespan of a rotting cabbage…
— batkaren (@batkaren) October 20, 2022
incredible to think that sting once had sex for longer than liz truss was prime minister
— mutable joe (@mutablejoe) October 20, 2022
pretty sure i’ve worn the same bra longer than liz truss lasted in power
— Justine Stafford (@JustineStafford) October 20, 2022
There are a few prog rock albums longer than Liz Truss’s tenure as PM
— Tim Burgess (@Tim_Burgess) October 20, 2022
This series of #LateNightMash lasted longer than Liz Truss did as Prime Minister.
— Dave (@davechannel) October 20, 2022
Valtteri bottas pitstop in Monaco was longer than liz truss stint as prime minister
— chlo
(@formulachlo) October 20, 2022
Lizz Truss’ term as president of the Oxford University Liberal Democrats @OxUniLibDems lasted longer than her term as prime minister.
Adam Higgins
(@FluffehAdam) October 20, 2022
Bournemouth have been searching for a permanent manager longer than Liz Truss was PM
— Matthew Stanger (@MatthewStanger) October 20, 2022
Tottenham Hotspurs' trophyless run (5343 days) pic.twitter.com/zsNc8mxXdN
— things that lasted longer than liz truss (@LongerThanTruss) October 20, 2022
I’ve had a chest infection that’s lasted longer than Liz Truss as Prime Minister
— KWAJO- Social Housing (@KwajoHousing) October 20, 2022
The post 27 things that lasted longer than Liz Truss was prime minister appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke