Dial S for skip fire – Liz Truss had her phone hacked ‘by the Russians’ and Johnson covered it up

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Just when you thought you could forget Liz Truss and concentrate on the probable end stage of Suella Braverman’s career, the Mail on Sunday has revealed that Liz Truss’s personal mobile phone was hacked and a year’s worth of messages downloaded, with the chief suspects being Russia.

The leak was discovered during the summer, while she was still Foreign Secretary and campaigning to become the PM.

Astonishingly …what am I saying? True to form, the then prime minister, Boris Johnson, authorised a cover-up – aided by the Cabinet Secretary – presumably to avoid damaging Truss’s chances in the leadership race.

We all know how well that turned out.

In isolation, it’s bad. Alongside the concerns about the current Home Secretary’s grasp of secure communications and the current prime minister’s apparent lack of concern about it, it paints a very bleak big picture of the government’s ability to maintain national security.

Tweeters expressed themselves.










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Source: ThePoke