Whatever gods give, they have a binding right over. Kesaandu (Diiche’s mother) conceived Diiche through her request to Ala, the goddess of fertility, and she is currently reaping the consequences of her actions.

Although Diiche’s mind has been cleansed, and she has no memory of herself as a child, her mother’s actions to separate her from her spirit sister has become the reason for her misfortunes.
The fifth episode of Diiche takes us back to when Kesaandu was desperate to have a child. She was introduced as a catholic devotee, who had a very loving husband, Afam, who was into the groundnut oil business.
All seemed well and good until Kesaandu lost her sixth pregnancy and Afam’s family brought a girl from the village to replace her because she was unable to conceive a child.
Kesaandu was tired of waiting on divine intervention from God; she then sought Ala instead, and she was blessed with twins. There were rules though, her daughter had to marry before 30 and she was not allowed to swim in any water that led to the sea.
Also, she was not supposed to bear twins. The priestess, who was Kesaandu’s mediator, discovered she had twins and said Ala only gives one child, so she had to lose a child to balance it out.

That child, however, became a spirit only young Diiche could see. She was Diiche’s friend and someone who told Diiche about misfortunes that would happen to people in her vicinity.
When Diiche clocked fifteen , Kesaandu had had enough. She went to another priest who locked Diiche’s spirit sister, Chidi, in her subconscious. This explains why Diiche has been experiencing noises of someone knocking in her head to let her out.
Considering the fact that Nnamdi pushed her close to the beach water in episode four, can we opine that Diiche killed Nnamdi as revenge after her subconscious was opened following her emergence from the water?
Watch episode five of Diiche to know all the details on Diiche’s childbirth and her father, Afam. Showmax releases new episodes of Diiche every Thursday.
The post Diiche: Kesaandu Fails In Her Quest To Follow Ala’s Rules appeared first on Nigerian Entertainment Today.
Source: TheNet