A lot has been said and written about the metaverse over the past year or so. In fact, everyone seems to have a different idea about what it is and what it will mean for our lives.
Copyright: forbes.com – “Metaverse – The Reality Beyond The Fantasy”
Mark Zuckerberg thinks it will revolve around virtual reality (VR), the headsets his company sells, and a sort of 3D version of Facebook where we all exist as cartoon avatars.
Proponents of the web3 model, on the other hand, believe decentralization and blockchain-based platforms like Decentraland and Sandbox are the future.
Perhaps somewhere in the middle of these two visions sits probably the most successful model so far. Videogame-oriented platforms such as Roblox and Fortnite were built well before the term metaverse became commonplace but offer much of the functionality that’s central to the model. This includes persistent environments and the ability to adopt a consistent identity (avatar) as users move between playing, socializing, and shopping.
My own take, as I’ve written before, is that the most precise thing we can say about the metaverse right now is that it’s the next level of the internet. As it turns out, this was also the starting point adopted by analysts at global consulting firm Arthur D. Little when they set out to determine the nature of the metaverse beyond fantasy.
Blue Shift
Recently I was joined for a webinar by Dr. Albert Meige, director of the reports created under the company’s Blue Shift banner.
Meige tells me that after speaking to hundreds of technology professionals, they found that implementations of metaverse ideas generally fell into one of three categories – consumer metaverse, enterprise metaverse or industrial metaverse.[…]
Read more: www.forbes.com
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