This American aviation expert got a first-class burn for jumping to conclusions

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Check your BMI

No matter what anyone writes on the internet, there’s always someone out there ready to step in with a correction – even if they don’t know what they’re talking about.

This airline regulations ‘expert’ made one massive assumption. They were mistaken.


In this case, there was someone else to add another correction – and it came with a side order of epic burn.

After u/Wizofoz737 shared the screengrab on r/MurderedByWords, Redditors had some thoughts.

Stuff like that used to happen to me all the time in my early days of reddit as as someone who isn’t a US citizen

I would say something about my college/university and I would get comment like “Uh, that’s not how college works in the states, you’re obviously lying.”

I never understood that mentality. I’m sure I’ve mentally thought, ‘huh, that sounds off’, but then remember I’ve seen a global map before.

Was at Heathrow airport. American gent in front of me at a coffee shop. “Do you take real money” “Yes sir, we take pounds and euro” “What about real Money?” “Yes sir , pounds and euro are real money “ “No real money, US dollars…” “No sir, that’s not real money here..”

Welcome to Reddit. Where Americans think everything is America.

My guy got 3rd degrees all over his noggin.

This conversation is necessary way too often. It’s maddening.

My personal favourite was the gentleman who answered North America when asked for his country of origin. (The question was asked for legitimate reasons). I answered so which country in North America sir? You could hear him bristling down the phone line! Oh I see! As if I was being extremely difficult.

No, no. On the other side of the ocean is nothing, because the world is flat. /s

u/NastySassyStuff spoke up for their people.

I swear not all of us are this uselessly stupid. It’s a big ass country. Some of us are even kinda cool.

This response from u/DKlurifax says it all.

We know. It’s like apologizing for that moronic family member that you had to drag along. We don’t blame you at all and only equally moronic people in my country would think one idiot was representative for an entire nation.


This judgemental uber-male got absolutely murdered by words

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, Artistic Operations on Pixabay

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Source: ThePoke