First in an occasional series, irritating neighbour of the week is surely the person who took it upon themselves to do this when told by the person next door they were having a party.
And when we say party, it was more of a get together, to be honest, because it was only 15 or so people. And yet they still did this.
‘Went to a friendsgiving, they let their neighbor know ahead of time that they would be having people over, it was 4:45pm on a saturday and about 6 people were there at that point,’ wrote gravityandlove who shared it on Reddit.
‘He abruptly knocked on the door once, taped this note to the door and ran off.’
And just in case that’s tricky to read (it’s probably tricky to read) …
‘I am not sure why you would feel it is appropriate to have a 15+ person Friendsgiving in these apartments with the wall being as thick as they are.
‘I am an attorney. I work early and late from home. I will not tolerate you having essentially a PARTY next door. I will not tolerate the noise.
‘I have already informed police of your intention. If I hear you, I will call. We must all respect one another.
They seem nice.
And just a few of the things people said about it.
‘How did this man use the tab key after every single word on paper.’
Crabstar729‘The spacing between words looks like a psychopath wrote it.’
superdavey1‘I said the same thing, this shit happened in real time and we had only been there maybe 20 minutes and I thought our hosts set it up as a murder mystery dinner or some shit, it was just mind boggling I couldn’t believe it.’
gravityandlove‘Classic “we must all respect one another”… with the actual meaning of “obey me”.’
Biggordie“I have already informed police of your intention.” What intention? Having a splendid Friendsgiving and everyone enjoying themselves?’
SubstantialTrust2‘This looks like it was written by an 8 year old who had his big boy pants on.’
Zestyclose_Walrus725‘This m-f used up an entire page for 17 words
MaddenJ222‘F-ck him. As long as your “party” and any noise it generates doesn’t violate your lease or any local ordinances, just ignore him and move on with your life. Be informed about local noise ordinances before any theoretical police arrive so you know how to answer the responding officers.’
Jacinda Ardern’s takedown of this reporter’s sexist question was simply magnificent
Source Reddit u/gravityandlove
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Source: ThePoke