Biotechnology potential for sustainable agriculture in Africa

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Biotechnology can play a key role in establishing a more sustainable framework for agriculture in Africa.


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Advancements in digital technology are beginning to reshape agriculture.
The right combination of technology and processes allow farmers to apply only the water or fertilizer needed as its needed, monitor conditions more effectively, and harness data to drive further gains.

Connected sensors, smart tractors, drones, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), farm management software and smartphone apps are quietly reshaping agriculture. These systems are reducing water usage, fuel consumption, the use of fertilizers and, ultimately, carbon output.

  • Biotechnology is widely used in agriculture to improve plant growth and yields, increase resistance to pests and diseases, and enhance nutritional content.
  • Biotechnology provides a path for developing environmentally robust and climate-resistant crops that will help to safeguard Africa’s food basket.
  • The GMO market in Africa was predicted to be worth US$615.4 million in 2018, with a projected five per cent increase to US$871 million by 2025.

However, biotechnology could also play a key role in establishing a more sustainable framework for agriculture. Over the last few decades, more resilient seeds and plants have become commonplace through genetic engineering.

Drought, heavy rainfall and other environmental conditions substantially impact African agricultural production. Biotechnology provides a path for developing environmentally robust and climate-resistant crops that will help to safeguard Africa’s food basket.

Experts have extensively researched developing GM crops with faster maturity periods and higher quality. As a result, GMOs provide a means for Africa to obtain higher agricultural yields and shorter harvest times, ensuring greater food security.

In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most common examples of how biotechnology is being used in the agricultural sector in Africa as well as the advantages of biotechnology.[…]

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Der Beitrag Biotechnology potential for sustainable agriculture in Africa erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.

Source: SwissCognitive