Dear AI Enthusiast,
With being in the middle of the Festive Season, we are happy to send you some great reads from the last weeks that we think you shouldn’t miss. These include the “impossible” AI breakthrough in drug research, the most significant stories of 2022 – that also contains news on AI, as well as news around Africa’s readiness for the next wave of innovation, and how “digital” is one answer, but not the only answer.
We hope you enjoy this week’s collection.
Wishing you a wonderful Festive Season with lots of joy, laughter, and happiness.

PS Question: What do You wish for in 2023? Add HERE on Twitter with the hashtag #AIwish2023 or on YouTube in the comments of this live-streamed video
Every wish gets published on the live stream.
Join this Global Movement
Der Beitrag Featured News | “Impossible” AI breakthrough | Most significant stories of 2022 | Innovation in Africa | Digital is only one answer erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive