Featured News | Supply Chain Challenges, Climate Emergency, Energy Crisis and AI | AI in Africa | Space Research and our Planet

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Dear AI Enthusiast,

With the end of 2022 approaching fast, we started to reflect on the recent developments around AI and discuss how we can shape its trajectory in 2023. To share the learnings and see how we can go forward and tackle the biggest challenges of our times with the combination and human and artificial intelligence, we invited twenty AI experts and leaders to our flagship conference, taking place on 13th December between 4-7pm CET. See the details in the leading article on top, register, and join us and thousands of your AI peers online during the conference.

Besides, see some outstanding topics featuring AI in Africa, as well as in domains such as the supply chain and healthcare, and also find out how space research and the technologies used are benefitting our planet.

Happy reading and see you at our virtual conference “The AI Trajectory 2023+🤩


Snowy regards from Zurich,

The Team of SwissCognitive


Der Beitrag Featured News | Supply Chain Challenges, Climate Emergency, Energy Crisis and AI | AI in Africa | Space Research and our Planet erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.

Source: SwissCognitive