Artificial Intelligence is a popular technology known to accelerate sustainability. With this ability, AI today is not only sustaining a smarter future for the machines but is also laying the groundwork for the next industrial revolution by teaming up with 5G. How does this team power an innovative approach to existing processes?
SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Jui Bagul – “How AI And 5G Could Lead The Next Phase Of The Industrial Revolution”
Their daily life was assisted by various tech devices that save manual labour. Luxury, convenience and comfort was the theme. Despite the help available for everything, everyone in the family could be seen complaining about hard labour, discomfort, and fatigue faced while living with the activities they had to do on their own. Sounds relatable right? Everyone is living in the year 2022 today and the reality of this existence can be seen in every corner of the world. The day-to-day lives of people are completely dependent on technology today and so are the processes involved in a business. This vision that technology can be used to help assist humankind in the future is evidence that the arrival of an industrial revolution was inevitable.
Back to the basics
With a need to cater to the rising population and the demands of that period, the first industrial revolution began in the 18th century to improve the manufacturing processes in various domains. As a major turning point in history, the first phase of the industrial revolution impacted a large portion of the population and took the standard of living higher than what people were used to before. This proved to be the foundation on which the next phases stood upon and iterated after the needs of people evolved upon seeing what is possible. The second phase of the industrial revolution started with the invention of assembly line production and the use of electricity while the third started with partial automation that allowed the production processes to continue without any human assistance.
The fourth industrial revolution- the one that the world is witnessing currently was seen emerging with the rise in communication and information technologies for faster and more efficient result-providing processes. If we are to find out one common aspect from all these phases as the world moves towards the fifth industrial revolution, the involvement of machines and technology is present in some way or the other. Technology is the only thing that has shown the world what kind of evolution humankind is capable of. Even back in the 90s, Dilton Doiley from Archie comics can be seen talking about the Metaverse, an innovation that is a part of every conversation today because of its existence.
In 1997 an Archie comic strip sent readers swirling into a tech haze for having predicted that students can take classes from their homes digitally without having to go to school in 2021. Titled “Betty in High School 2021 A.D.”, this story showed Betty waiting for her class to commence on her computer. In this strip, Betty’s father can be seen exclaiming how lucky the students are for having the opportunity to learn this way. As this prediction was put forth aptly and came into existence, a world where people board flying cars is not far away. People having a vision for what technology is capable of has been a driving force for all these innovations taking center stage today and igniting the next phases of the industrial revolution.
What lies ahead of the 4th industrial revolution?
The 4th industrial revolution has completely changed the way people used to conduct business, interact with each other, or even complete life’s everyday activities and automation is the concept that has driven this change. Dependence on machines is larger than what it was in the previous phases of the industrial revolution but today machines are also smarter as compared to the previous decades. ‘Smart machine’ is a prevalent term and technology is getting closer to mankind in terms of the brain power people possess. Technologies like AI are helping transport the power of the brain to machines for computations and create digital assistants that increase the productivity of people and business operations. IoT is helping bring connectivity amongst devices and bringing the power of different gadgets together to carry out a single task effectively, without any human intervention.
AR and VR are bridging the gap between the real world and the digital world to bring everyone into a unified environment. These technologies are coming together to bring a shift on the business as well as the consumer front, and different perceptions of the world are being left behind to bring in a perception that is common to all. Collaborative environments of the 4th industrial revolution are eliminating tech deserts and ensuring there is technology inclusivity in the world. Social is the theme and this revolution has been successful in binding the norms and regulations of the real world to the distinctive feature of privacy that the digital world possesses. With the benefits of both worlds colliding, the next phase of the industrial revolution that is the 5th industrial revolution would be here to optimize the existing processes and capitalize on the strengths of both humankind and technology for a better future that has been laid on the foundation of sustainability.
Enter 5G
The change from 1G which was analog to 2G which was digital encouraged the arrival of communication through text messaging. When 3G came into existence it empowered information administrations through data exchange and brought around device-powered socialization into existence. 4G was then looked at as a standard for the speed with which this exchange was made possible. The transition from 4G to 5G will showcase greater improvement in terms of capacity and speed of computation and transmission.
Today, the arrival of 5G; the 5th generation network connecting everyone and everything together can be seen spreading its roots. As this technology evolves in scope and displays its magic in every possible industry and household in the world, creating an improved version of the 4th industrial revolution led environment will become easily achievable. 5G technology is a wireless technology created to power high data transmission speeds, secure connections, increased network capacity, low latency exchanges, and a unified experience for the users.
What everyone today is calling the Metaverse, imagine a single, persistent, 3D virtual environment where you as a consumer are able to roam the space of a newly opened Louis Vuitton store in Paris, after that go watch a football match in Spain and then even catch up with your pen friend in Switzerland without having to worry about travel hassles or expenses, or time constraints. As a consumer buying your favourite Louis Vuitton outfit that is available only in selected stores, catching up on some game fun and even socializing with a friend becomes possible, something that cannot even be imagined today without losing time and huge amount of money.
As a business, a Louis Vuitton store benefits from the visit of a customer and a fashion enthusiast from another city or country and this sale boosts revenue, increasing engagement and the reach of the collection and catalogue available in selected locations only. But this scenario is appealing only if the transportation is quick and seamless. 5G is one of many technologies that can help make this experience possible and replace many hardware devices to bring ease of access.
Convergence of AI and 5G driving 5IR
Digitalization has been the primary objective for businesses looking to use science, information, and technology as a medium to stand out amongst the crowd and gain a competitive advantage. 5G is being looked at as the next step to lay the ground rules for AI-powered automation. It will provide the infrastructure to fulfill the modern requirements of the digital transformation led by AI and Edge computing. 5G will drive high-performance processes that dispense wired systems, making it less demanding to reconfigure interfaces. Edge Computing, on the other hand, will empower applications to advance in proficiency and robotics. AI and 5G together are set to become the fuel driving the engine of a new technological revolution. Powered by 5G, Artificial Intelligence will give various industries the gift of consistent connectivity, reliable resources, and faster automation.
Some use cases of the convergence of AI and 5G are:
- Metaverse: AI is a key technology that helps bring Metaverse to life and now with the addition of 5G, streaming experiences would become enjoyable and maintaining connectivity without any disruption of external factors like geographical locations would be eliminated.
- Digital assistants in the form of chatbots and virtual avatars: Digital assistants today use AI to replicate the human brain and converse with people in human language by understanding intent. With 5G the speed at which the speech is converted to text will improve drastically.
- Education: AI and 5G are helping bring education to students’ doorstep through virtual reality and is making this available, efficiently as in real-world classrooms. Solving queries is possible quickly without any restrictions. Betty in Archie Comics attending her classes virtually is a reality due to these technologies.
- Healthcare: AI and 5G in healthcare are proliferating an accurate diagnosis of diseases, real-time monitoring, and quick treatment facilities. This has become possible with the right use of data- collection, transmission, and analysis.
- Automotive: AI and 5G together is making vehicles smarter and reducing the risk of mishaps on roads by employing various data-powered safety and driving efficiency measures in vehicles.
With AI and 5G coming together, data analysis will also get faster and the results would get even more responsive to help businesses accelerate the processes of transformation. One thing is for sure- The powers of AI and 5G coming together their combined existence will be seen in conversations, business strategies, and consumer habits in the coming years and will be the driving force in bringing the 5th industrial revolution to the world and pages of Wikipedia.
About the Author:
Jui Bagul works as an Executive Content Writer at DaveAI. She specializes in writing tech articles. With a Masters degree in Computer Applications, her immense knowledge in the field of technology and love for writing helps her create significant pieces of content.
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