Lagos Mulls Legislation Of Greater Lagos Fiesta

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Indication has emerged that Lagos State government is considering sponsoring a Bill at the State House of Assembly to give legal backing to the annual GreaterLagos Fiesta.

The special adviser to the governor on tourism,  arts and culture, Mr Femi Martins, who gave the hint at a press conference on Monday in Lagos also disclosed that annual Greater Lagos  Fiesta has been resuscitated after two consecutive years of break.

The fiesta that was put on hold in 2020 and 2021 due to the federal government’s directive on COVID-19 pandemic protocols has been scheduled to hold between December 29 and January 1, 2023 in different parts of the state.

He said not less than ten thousand entertainment enthusiasts are expected to participate in the event.

Martins explained that as a way of ensuring that the annual event has legal backing,” The state government is considering sponsoring a Bill at the State House of Assembly.”

According to him, the event would take place in the five divisions of the state which include, Ikorodu, Badagry, Epe, Agege and Lagos Island.

The Greater Lagos Fiesta began in 2012 to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Lagos which attracted tourists and entertainers across Lagos and Nigeria as a whole.

Martins said, “It is heart- warming to inform Lagosians that the Lagos State government is to hold the 2022 Greater Lagos Fiesta after it had been put on hold for two consecutive years, 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic protocols.”

He expressed optimism that the upcoming event would not only have impacts on young and talented artistes but at the same time, improve the economy of the State through MSMEs’ booming activities.

He added, “Let me assure all Lagosians that the event will be well-loaded featuring live music, concerts, comedy and cultural displays.

Source: Leadership