Scotland’s very busy gritters have the punniest names – and the Scottish public can suggest even more

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Scotland is the coldest part of the UK and well used to thick snow in some regions, which is why their gritter fleet is both large and very busy.

The company in charge of the gritters – Amey – has made the fleet more than just essential – the vehicle names are also very entertaining.

On their ‘Meet Our Gritter Fleet’ page, Amey explains –

‘Since 2020 our Winter Service fleet has been named by the Scottish public.’

As the public named Boaty McBoatface, you can probably guess what’s coming with these select favourites.

1. Sleetwood Mac

2. Spreddie Van Halen

3. Skid Vicious

4. Dr Snow

5. Lord Coldemort

6. Robert Brrrns

7. Brinestone Ploughboy

8. Carrie Bradthaw

9. Freeze Witherspoon

10. Buzz Iceclear

You can tell this one was named in 2020.

The added icons are a particularly nice touch.

There’s even a tracker for these and the rest of the puntastic fleet.

If you’re a member of the Scottish public and would like to suggest a name for next year’s gritters, you have until 9 am on 16th January 2023, and you can enter here.

The new gritter names will be announced on Twitter. Eat your heart out, Eddie Stobart.


Doncaster council asks public to name its gritters and it’s today’s best thing

Source Image, Screengrab

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