The moment this kitten clocks it has 4 paws is an all-time classic mood lifter

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Just in case you need an escape from everything else right now (not least that long list of Christmas jobs that you still haven’t even started yet) then it’s surely this.

It’s the all-time fabulous moment this kitten realises it has four paws which has just gone viral (again) for reasons which will surely be obvious.

Unlike the kitten, will never get old.

‘Every time I see this it fills me with unsurmountable joy.’

‘What kills me is when she double checks.’

‘This is a kitten with a VERY rich internal monologue.’

‘This will never stop being the cutest kitten video on the Internet.’

Source Reddit u/ratihes

The post The moment this kitten clocks it has 4 paws is an all-time classic mood lifter appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke