When the bill suggests a second tip …

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We’re willing to bet that u/PhilliesEaglesFlyer made this face when they were given this extra tip by a customer …

via Gfycat

Still – it got them a popular post on Reddit, so swings and roundabouts. Plus, they’ll never eat the yellow snow.

Most people were too concerned with the automatic gratuity to appreciate the joke.

Well, gratuity was already included, so a mere life tip seems acceptable.

Gratuity was already included. I wouldn’t tip on top of that either. Tipping culture has gotten ridiculously out of hand…

I was a server for about six years. I never expected extra tip on top of an already automatic gratuity.

Haha, hey if there’s an automatic gratuity I’d take the free chuckle.

Will no one think of the poor restaurant owners? If you dont tip the servers the owners would have to pay them a living wage, like the rest of the world does.

The funny tip landed for a few.

Words to live by.

Oh come on lemon isn’t that bad.

This is not a good tip. Just so y’all know, if you are in the cold and no food, let’s say like lost in the wild. You should eat yellow snow to collect some minerals. You should let it melt though and maybe heat it up if you can start a fire. If you are not in a survival situation then don’t eat yellow snow.


u/HundoGuy would have gone even further than leaving a life tip.

That’s where you put a negative amount to make the gratuity what you want.

And then, presumably, never go there again.

But the bottom line is this, from u/RomesThe59

Shitty tip. They’re in Georgia. Not seeing snow anytime soon.


This restaurant receipt contains a very unexpected freebie

Source r/funny Image r/funny, Jessie McCall on Unsplash

The post When the bill suggests a second tip … appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke