Being able to catch lightning in a bottle is quite an extraordinary feat. Whether you can keep that shining flash of lightning and avert letting it chronically dissipate is a whole other question of immense importance and grand consideration.
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Though most AI insiders consider ChatGPT to be just another AI app, albeit an interesting and possibly even outstanding example of a type of AI known as Generative AI, they tend to be amazed and simultaneously exasperated at how this particular app has gotten such tremendous attention. This is somewhat frustrating to those that have known about and actively participated in generative AI and large language models (LLMs) for the last several years. Many have been working night and day on similar AI apps, doing so without any notable acknowledgement or hurrahs. With just an Internet search, you can readily find many other generative AI efforts and see that they too have meritorious capabilities.
Nonetheless, it is ChatGPT that has managed to break out of the pack.
You could persuasively contend that a business and societal brand building of an organic and evolving basis has surprisingly occurred whereby ChatGPT is no longer just the name of an AI app, but also now represents a kind of special branding. Other AI apps are often compared to ChatGPT. Sometimes this is done to bolster the other AI app, declaring that it is as good as or better than ChatGPT. On other occasions, the hope is to get some of the afterglows from ChatGPT by suggesting that your AI app is akin to the now-famous and nearing legendary ChatGPT.
By a combination of luck and timing, ChatGPT has become the cat’s meow.
Imagine how hard it would be to build such a brand if you wanted to do so. There have been other conversational interactive AI apps that have come to the fore. They came and went. You would be hard-pressed to claim that any of those have had the stickiness and immense visibility that ChatGPT has gotten.
Having been released in November 2022, the brand image of ChatGPT seems to just keep getting stronger and stronger with each passing day. More people gleefully jump or excitedly leap onto the ChatGPT bandwagon as word continues to spread like wildfire. Those few that dare to point out the downsides of ChatGPT are not getting the same traction as those that express outright amazement at what this AI app can seem to do. Any AI maker or indeed any company would believe they had gone to heaven to have their app get such ongoing and persistent press coverage and glowing accolades. It is a public relations dream come true.
Der Beitrag Can The Generative AI ChatGPT Brand Keep Going Strong Or Will It Fizzle Out, Asks AI Ethics And AI Law erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive