China wants the Buddhist clergy to prevent Dalai Lama’s visit to Sri Lanka

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By P.K.Balachandran

Colombo, January 17: The Chargé d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka Hu Wei, called on the Mahanayake Thero of the Malwathu chapter of the Siam Nikaya, the Most Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thero in Kandy on January 11 and told him that China strongly opposes the rumored visit of the 14th Dalai Lama to Sri Lanka.

Hu told the Prelate that the 14 th. Dalai Lama is not a “simple monk” as he claims, but a “separatist” who was also head of the feudal and theocratic system that existed in Tibet prior to the Chinese takeover in 1951.

“He is a political exile disguised as a religious figure who has long been engaging in anti-China separatist activities and attempting to split Tibet from China,” Hu said.

“Both sides, especially the Buddhist communities, must prevent a sneaky visit of the Dalai Lama to the island to promote ‘Tibetan independence’ and safeguard China-Sri Lanka historical relations from being damaged,” Hu said, according to a release from the Chinese embassy on Tuesday.

Hu emphasized that China and Sri Lanka have been firmly supporting each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, including the Tibet issue.

The Chinese Chargé d’affaires told the Mahanayake Thero that in the Dalai Lama era, about 1 million people were serfs accounting for 95% of Tibet’s population. Tibet’s GDP was only 129 million RMB and the Life Expectancy was only 35.5 years (in 1951). But under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Tibetan people are now enjoying a prosperous economy with a GDP of 31 billion USD and a GDP per capita of USD 8,000 (twice that of Sri Lanka and 4 times of India where he resides now). Longevity is 72.19 years on average. There is freedom of religion with 46,000 monks and nuns in over 1,700 temples in Tibet.

On his part, the Malwathu Mahanayake Thero said: “China is the closest friend of Sri Lanka. Our relations with China must not be hurt. It is better that government also understand the importance of the contribution rendered by China for the uplift of the Sri Lankan economy. We as Sri Lankan are always indebted to China for its continued support and humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka whenever we are in need. Seeing is believing. I hope more Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis from Sri Lanka could visit China, and more devotees from China could visit Sri Lanka and the Malwathu Maha Viharaya.”

He recalled the close friendship between Sri Lanka and China dated from Ven. Faxian Thero’s visit to the island 1,600 years ago, and China’s continued support to Sri Lanka since the latter’s independence, particularly in Mme. Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s time.

“In the last three years fighting against the COVID-19 and economic crisis, China has been assisting us with numerous PPEs, vaccines, rice, diesel etc., which is fully appreciated by the Sri Lankan people including the Maha Sangha,” the Mahanayeke said.

Recalling his several visits to China including one Buddhist exchange tour in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Most Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thero expressed his high appreciation for China’s economic and social development, and the freedom and prosperity of Buddhism in the oriental country.”

The monk said: “I still remember visiting an ancient temple on top of a high mountain in Tibet. The scenes, the statues and the low level of oxygen are unforgettable. It’s quite different with what the western media portrays.”

Chargé d’affaires Hu Wei also paid courtesy calls on Ven. Dimbulkumbure Wimaladhamma Thero, Anunayake of Malwathu chapter and Ven. Wedaruwe Upali Thero, Ven. Anamaduwe Dhammadassi Thero, Anunayakes of Asgiri chapter on the same day.


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Source: NewsAsia