The only response you need to Americans suggesting you should arm teachers

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Americans determined to ignore tighter gun control as a way of helping to stop school shootings often cite arming teachers as a better solution.

And when we say ‘Americans’ who we really mean is Republicans, obviously, although the vast majority of teachers have rejected their calls for more firearms in the classroom.

And this might not be the only response you need, but it is definitely a very good one.

No more questions, your honour.

‘For real? They barely get paid enough to do their actual job and you want to add more responsibilities? Especially life threatening responsibilities??? HA!’

‘Give them police firearms training. Then add police salary to their existing wage since they’ll be doing their fucking job too.’

‘Also, (teacher here) I might not be able to (or want to) carry a gun but I can tell this dude it’s “a lot” NOT “alot”.’

Source Reddit u/Abbigailasora Image Unsplash Taylor Flowe

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Source: ThePoke