The most recent advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Smart Computation, Nano-Biotechnology, and Mechatronics, plus, contribute to creating a future Ultra-Smart Human-like Intelligent Machines which may be capable of assimilating Human nature in its physical and emotional dimensions. These future Ultra-Smart Intelligent Machines will be far beyond the sophistication of the current Sophia Smart Robot. The ranges and scale of possible applications of these Ultra-Smart Humanoid Robots may ubiquitous and pervasive in societies of tomorrow.
SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Prof. Eduard Babulak DSc PhD FBCS – “The Third Millennium AI-Driven Humanoid Robots”
In my view, we may still be quite far from creating Ultra-Smart Humanoid Robots, but very close to being able to imagine these Human-like Machines, and yet still asking the following questions:
- Will the future AI-based Humanoid Robotics reach the level of perfection that may much the human-like emotions, sense of values, touch, sensitivity, reasoning, trust and reliability?
- Why does the Humanoid Robot differ from us Humans?
- What will it take to make a Humanoid Robot that will be capable of becoming a fully accepted member of family and society?
Given the current fast dynamic innovation, research and development in the field of AI, Smart Computation, and Fast Internet promote the creation of future fully –automated Cyberspace, which will open a new horizon of opportunities for any government, business, academia, and industry worldwide.
The current state-of-the-art of AI and its computational intelligence today may be looked at as that of a very your child that is learning to talk, walk, reason and communicate with its parents and family members. The AI computational principles are still evolving and adapting to a high degree of decision-making in real-time while learning to comprehend human-like perceptions and emotions that separate intelligent machines from humans today.
Intelligent machines like Humanoid Robots have not yet reached the level of reasoning that is based on human fundamental values such as common sense and values. However, values of humanities such as ethics, professionalism, and care are common but not always well understood by some people. The author discusses the Future philosophical horizons that may bring the AI-driven intelligent computational machines like Humanoid Robots much closer to humans, and to be accepted without any suspicion that they may cause any possible harm or danger to humans.
One of the most challenging and somewhat philosophical questions for any researcher, expert, or engineer who may be working on developing a new generation of Humanoid Robots is to define a level of trust, reliability and sensitivity that these intelligent machines may reach in comparison to humans. One of the examples that illustrate the current level of trust, reliability and sensitivity of intelligent machines is taking care of babies and or people who may some level of physical or mental deficiencies.
Perhaps the most challenging would be to imagine a possible scenario in which a sophisticated Humanoid Robot today or tomorrow may be asked to take care of a newborn baby.
This scenario may require a lot of imagination and experimentation while having a well-established set of metrics that would assess the Humanoid Robot’s human-like capabilities that may warrant a certain level of trust that is required by a natural mother or person taking care of a newborn baby.
The metrics common parameters may include human-like values, emotions, feelings, touch, perceptions, sensitivity, decision-making, finesse, adaptation and care. Humans taking care of babies may have a certain stage of maturity, medical condition, a daily routine. Humans have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and refreshments (i.e., tea, coffee, etc.)
Compare to a human medical condition, a Humanoid Robot would have an External or Internal Power Supply, System Hardware and Software that may be prone to malfunction triggered by its design complexity and interconnectivity within its internal computational system and to control or monitoring remote systems connected by robotic communication network infrastructures and Internet.
Given the required service of perfection 24/7, the humanoid robots must and should not harm nor put in any danger a small baby due to its system imperfections and possible malfunction. Similarly, any human taking care of a small baby must and should provide perfect care 24/7.
In resume, the AI and Humanoid Robotics today are at the very early stage of their evolution. However, the current results demonstrated by academia, industry and business show great potential for future applied research, innovation, and development in the field of Human-like Intelligent Machines that may be well accepted in our daily lives as trusted and reliable companions.
Today, we humans may have opinions about today’s and future Humanoid Robots’ possible imperfections and lack of humanity. Perhaps the day may come when Humanoid Robots may have opinions about our human imperfections and lack of machine-like reasoning.
About the Author:
Prof. Eduard Babulak DSc PhD FBCS is a global scholar, consultant, engineer and polyglot. He successfully published and served as Chair of the IEEE Vancouver Ethics, Professional and Conference Committee. His biography was cited in the Cambridge Blue Book, the Cambridge Index of Biographies, Stanford Who’s Who, and Who’s Who in the World and America.
Der Beitrag The Third Millennium AI-Driven Humanoid Robots erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive