In Reddit’s very entertaining r/AmazonReviews forum, u/DaSchtaishOne shared this picture of a cat carrier – but it’s not the carrier that has people taking a second – and third – look.
These questions and answers, provided by other Amazon users, say all that needs to be said..
Here’s what Redditors had to add.
They really yassified a cat.
So funny.
u/Gdokim asked –
Um does that cat in the pic have lipstick and blush on?
And u/eyy0g provided the answer.
Yes, it’s a city cat.
was relieved to spot the post.
Brooo I saw this about a month ago when I was looking for a new cat carrier, glad it’s real and I wasn’t having a stroke.
Hard relate.
This birthday balloon review is the Facepalm of the Day
Source r/AmazonReviews Image Djordje Petrovic on Pexels, r/AmazonReviews
The post This cat carrier raised a lot mewer questions than it answered appeared first on The Poke.
Source: ThePoke