Watch this cat give some bananas a bunch of fives

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We all know that some cats have a strange phobia of cucumbers, but u/Brief-Philosophy003, reminds us that they aren’t all completely happy about bananas either.

They posted the classic clip to r/funny with the heading ‘The bananas chose violence’, but we can all see the cat started it.

It tickled Redditors.

When bananas go out late at night and engage a cat in a fight. They leave battered and bruised. For some this is a no, for others they can still be used.

If I hear my cat on the counter it gets a visit from the spray bottle fairy.

Cat thinks it’s a snake.

And the banana won!!!

Throw an English cucumber in the mix and make it a fair fight.

Never stare at a banana in the eye.

I think we are missing context here, what did the bananas do before the recording started?

u/Akluin added –

Bananas are so aggressive lately, I’m happy this cat is doing something.


Cat is alarmed by a cucumber

Source r/funny Image r/funny

The post Watch this cat give some bananas a bunch of fives appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke