We’ll be honest with you, we’ve never heard of Matt Walsh before, but Google informs us that he’s an ‘American right-wing political commentator and author’. He also self-describes as a ‘theocratic Fascist’ – which is quite something.
Judging by his Twitter feed, he would also appear to be something of an attention-seeking misogynist as is demonstrated by this tweet which has gathered a staggering 18 million views.
Seems like a lovely chap, doesn’t he? It certainly attracted the attention he craved and we present a choice selection of the replies.
All a woman wants is to come home from a long day at work to a grateful husband & children who are glad to see her and dinner cooking on the stove. This is literally all it takes to make a woman happy. We are simple. Give us this & you will have given us nearly everything we need
— Heather Mendick (@helensclegel) February 4, 2023
Yeah, but you see, women no longer want such men, Matt.
— Jedidajah Otte (@JedySays) February 4, 2023
Coming home to a calm relaxed environment is all I want. Dinner doesn’t have to be on the stove and no one has to tell me how thankful that I’m around. We can cook dinner together or go grab some. She works hard too. I listen to her tell me about her day! That’s what I call home
— Roland Clark (@RolandC08596029) February 4, 2023
You want a slave. And you want the slave to pretend to be happy.
— Non-compliant Ladybrain
(@WomanWhoSaysNo) February 5, 2023
Trouble at home, friend?
— Piper for Missouri (@piper4missouri) February 4, 2023
So, you’re pretty much just a yellow Labrador?
— Mr Dave Anthony (Lord) (@daveanthony) February 4, 2023
So what should women want after coming home from a long day of work?
To then have to take care of your grown ass?
— Anthony V. Clark (@anthonyvclark20) February 5, 2023
How are you tweeting from the 1950s?
— Jeremy Danner (@Jeremy_Danner) February 4, 2023
Get a housekeeper and adopt a puppy. Doesn’t sound like you want an actual relationship between equals.
— Jason Bradshaw
(@JBradshaw01) February 5, 2023
A long day at work? Aren’t you a podcaster and internet grifter?
— Adam Bates (@AdamTaylorBates) February 6, 2023
We’ll leave the final word to the following succinct tweet which perfectly encapsulates the exasperation of dealing with people like Matt Walsh…
Oh fuck this.
— Jo
(@JoJoFromJerz) February 6, 2023
The takedown of this climate change sceptic is one for the ages
Source Matt Walsh Image Public Domain Pictures
The post A right-wing podcaster tweeted some advice about how to ‘make a man happy’ and was promptly brought down a peg or two appeared first on The Poke.