Rishi Sunak might want to talk about how the country didn’t go into recession, or the mythical 40 new hospitals he claims are on the way, but the topic of the minute is why the Cabinet Office won’t hand over Boris Johnson‘s unredacted WhatsApp messages and diary to the Covid Inquiry.
How bad can you look in an 80-second clip. This bad.
The skill of a politician is to stick to their answer without looking like a myna bird, rocking on its perch, just mimicking human speech. ~AA pic.twitter.com/uLmCE5tWoO
— Best for Britain (@BestForBritain) May 30, 2023
Reading between the lines, we believe the Government wishes to learn the lessons of Covid and may have handed over tens of thousands of documents in the spirit of candour and transparency. We can’t be sure, though. Perhaps if he’d said it just once more …
You’d think he’d be better at answering questions by now, then he’d avoid being thoroughly panned – like this.
Sunak really isn’t very good at answering questionspic.twitter.com/GOFztWd2E4
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) May 30, 2023
He’s getting worse…
Robot Rishi
Parrot PM
Also, tens of thousands of documents mean bugger all
It’s not quantity, it’s quality
And this huge data dump trick while not sending over the documents that really matter is one of the oldest in the book…
— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) May 30, 2023
Professionalism, integrity and accountability taking another beating https://t.co/h44hZ8u2na
— John Crace (@JohnJCrace) May 30, 2023
‘Ok Rishi, if you’re asked any simple questions about the Covid inquiry, be breezy, don’t sound weird’
‘Should I just repeat “the government is confident in its position?”’
‘no don’t do that’pic.twitter.com/C1tyXWwP7j
— Toby Earle
(@TobyonTV) May 30, 2023
Is someone standing behind him, pulling on a string?
— Jonathan Pie (@JonathanPieNews) May 30, 2023
I’m getting the district sense that the government is not confident in its position. https://t.co/XihcwFn9UB
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) May 30, 2023
Never thought you could be more awkward than the Maybot and yet Sunak has managed to do it! https://t.co/TzM6mBeVfZ
— Josh Clayton (@joshclaytes) May 30, 2023
If this is the best that Artificial Intelligence can generate, the human race has nothing to worry about! https://t.co/d2U56ldBYZ
— Steve Bray on Mastodon @[email protected] (@snb19692) May 30, 2023
“Somebody’s poisoned the waterhole!” https://t.co/Ls1Z5dpi9h
— badly-drawn bee
(@soapachu) May 30, 2023
This is structurally identical to “in 1985 no one died.” https://t.co/rivgwEXtix
— Tom Peck (@tompeck) May 30, 2023
If I were ever to get a parrot at some time in the future, I’d be sorely tempted to call it “Rishi”…. pic.twitter.com/SZRNMEg5JE
— Chris Shaw (@The_ChrisShaw) May 30, 2023
10 PRINT “Tens of thousands of documents”
20 PRINT “Candour and Transparency”
30 PRINT “Considering next steps”
40 INPUT “Awkward question”, $a
50 GOTO 10This is our British Prime Minister#ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak https://t.co/WlOzSo4WtJ pic.twitter.com/8lxCFHJTB4
— Russell England
(@RussellEngland) May 30, 2023
It’s like he’s on ‘Just A Minute’ trying to talk without hesitation or repetition but is about to get buzzed for egregious deviation.https://t.co/McJKhtIFWl
— Oh God, What Now? – the politics podcast (@OhGodWhatNowPod) May 30, 2023
From the horse’s mouth – sort of.
“..handed over thousands of documents…
..candour and transparency…
..carefully considering next steps…
..learn the lessons from covid…
..handed over thousands of documents…
..candour and.. updating…
..carefully… beep… fzzzt…”pic.twitter.com/NXC5atOtCY— Parody Rishi Sunak (@Parody_PM) May 30, 2023
The post Robotic Rishi Needs More Media Training – Episode 1,376 appeared first on The Poke.