Australian TV presenters laughing at the UK’s new trade deal is the only review you need

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“The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want.”

Michael Gove

“There will be no downside to Brexit at all – and considerable upside.”

David Davis

Like the promise of £350 million a week for the NHS, those statements were clearly a steaming pile of BS – probably from hormone-injected cattle.

The truth is that while some post-Brexit rollover deals have been rubber stamped, it has taken until now, nearly three and a half years after Brexit, to complete a trade deal from scratch – and it’s dreadful.

It will come as a surprise to nobody to discover that the grubby fingerprints of one Boris Johnson are all over the deal.

Most people agreed that the Australian mockery was, unfortunately, deserved – and that Boris Johnson should be given the credit he so richly deserved.










Back in 2017, Alistair Campbell predicted that the UK would become a laughing stock. We’re sure he’d love to have been wrong.

The other party involved in the deal – New Zealand – was no less bemused by the UK’s act of financial self-harm.

When the Brexit campaigners promised sunlit uplands, they forgot to mention that they’d be in the other hemisphere.

The Poke.