Five Nollywood Movies That Campaign Against Substance Abuse And Addiction

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The Nigerian entertainment industry is playing a crucial role in the campaign against drug abuse and Nollywood has lent her voice sufficiently. Our filmmakers have produced a number of movies that overtly and covertly preach against substance abuse. Here is a list of some of the most popular productions.




The movie tells the story of a teenage boy, Nimbe, who gets bullied in school and goes home to an abusive father and an overall chaotic household. One day he meets a boy his age who introduced him to drugs and eventually, a drug lord. Nimbe starts to consume drugs and he becomes noticeably audacious. He is able to stand up to his father, but he begins to skip school which causes his grades to drop, and eventually, he kills one of his classmates right there in the classroom. The movie shows how drugs give people wings in exchange for their reasoning and can lead them to criminal activities and mess up their lives ultimately.


Far From Home

Far From Home not only preached against drug abuse, but it added a very clear call to action. One of the main characters, Carmen, had gotten addicted to a prescription drug given to her after a life-threatening accident. The addiction started to affect her behaviour, and when her parents noticed, they sent her to rehab. That was a clear message to parents that it is only right to send their children to rehabilitation centres for abuse of substances. That way, they will get better and gain stability again.


Rattlesnake: The Ahanna Story

Rattlesnake was majorly about heists and robberies, but a close look at the movie will reveal that a subtle message of drug abuse was passed through Nzenozo, one of the gang members. Nze’s continuous smoking started to tell on his behaviour; he became insufferable, even to his younger sister. Those scenes in which Nze was acting out showed the extent to which abuse of substances could affect people’s behaviour and how they could easily become a burden to the people around them.



If you are up to date with the series, you’ve probably met Fola, Wura’s business associate who just gained his freedom after spending fifteen years in prison for murder. Fola actually was framed, but if he had been sober and not drunk into a stupor, it would have been difficult to place a corpse by his side and implicate him. Fola’s character sends a subtle but strong message; alcohol (and drugs in general) rob people of their senses, and in that state of stupor, anything can happen. 


Dear Bayo

Although the movie is about two lovers whose love story suffers an unfortunate end, a particular character was used as a campaign against substance abuse – Epalibo. The man was a deadbeat drunk who frequently abused his eldest daughter, Ebipade, and did absolutely nothing to take care of his children. However, he came to his senses eventually and realised the colossal damage his excessive drinking had done in his life and those of his children.

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