Five Ways To Identify A Substance Abuser In The Early Stage

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In a world heavily influenced by pop culture, people’s opinions, habits, and tastes are greatly influenced by numerous media types, including movies, music, television, and social media. Real-life stories often mirror the struggles depicted in entertainment, it’s essential to recognize the early signs of substance abuse.

MTN ASAP against substance abuse


Substance abuse covers a wide range of actions and routines harmful to one’s relationships, relationships with others, mental health, and overall quality of life. The key to responding before the issue worsens and has serious repercussions is spotting substance usage in its early stages.

Given that a startling 14.4%, or 14.3 million of Nigerians between the ages of 15 and 64 are involved in substance abuse, the world drug report from the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime emphasizes the urgent need to identify drug users in their early phases.

In order to lower the rate of first-time drug and substance use among Nigerian teenagers between the ages of 10 and 25, the MTN ASAP program was developed. 

It might be difficult to spot drug usage in its early stages since users may try to hide their behaviour. However, there are a number of indications and warning signals that can let you know whether someone is abusing drugs. Here are five indicators of a drug user in their early stages:

Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Keep an eye out for substantial changes in emotions and behaviour. The individual may experience mood swings, impatience, violence, or sharp fluctuations in energy. In addition, individuals might perform worse at work or school, retreat from social situations, or lose interest in once-enjoyed hobbies.

Physical Appearance Changes

Pay close attention to any physical symptoms of substance misuse. Indicators to watch out for include unexpected weight loss or increase, poor hygiene, bloodshot or glassy eyes, frequent nosebleeds (in the case of drug sniffing), dilated or constricted pupils, and a decrease in general physical appearance.

Financial behaviour changes

Financial habits might change due to substance addiction, such as spending more money on alcohol or drugs or borrowing money from friends or family. Substance abusers may begin to fall behind on their bills or struggle to make ends meet.

More Defensiveness and Secrecy

People who are just starting to consume substances may start acting secretively and defensively. When questioned about behavioural or physical changes, they could avoid answering questions about where they are or become hostile. Additionally, they might start guarding their possessions and private space more fiercely.

Unusual Smells

Odd scents can offer important hints when spotting a substance abuser in the beginning stages. If you have access to the person’s personal space some materials have distinctive odours. Keep an eye out for odd smells, such as the aroma of alcohol, chemicals, or marijuana, in their possession or in their living space.

It’s crucial to talk to them if you observe any of these symptoms in someone you know or in yourself. Although it is a severe issue, substance abuse is treatable. With assistance, people can recover from addiction and lead fulfilling lives.

If drug addiction is not treated early, lives will be destroyed. This is why the MTN Foundation has created activities through its Anti-drug addiction Programme (ASAP) to educate young people about drug addiction in an engaging and interactive way. 

There are resources you can use if you’re unsure of how to approach someone about substance misuse. You can speak with a therapist, counsellor, or other medical expert. 

The post Five Ways To Identify A Substance Abuser In The Early Stage appeared first on Nigerian Entertainment Today.